
NHS pharmacy procurement is critical to the safe and effective supply of a wide range of both licensed and unlicensed medicinal products and services to patients across a variety of NHS organisations. It aims to achieve best value for money for the NHS from these products and services aligning with national initiatives such as the Medicines Value Programme and the emerging sustainability agenda. Without seamless access to the correct medicines at the time needed by the patient and at the right commercial terms all other clinical services could not function effectively.
Our pharmacy procurement team use the breadth of their knowledge and skills to help ensure access to the correct medicines at the right time for patients within our member organisations in the changing and complex globalised market.

Working closely with the Commercial Medicines Unit, the pharmaceutical industry and other regional procurement hubs, our team have helped ensure a range of contracts are available for trusts that cover all licensed medicines and related pharmacy products and services.

NHS Commercial Solutions (NHSCS) is an accredited framework provider under NHS England’s Commercial Efficiencies & Optimisation Programme - Framework Host Accreditation.

Our frameworks enable call-offs through either mini competitions or direct award, and should be called off in line with Public Contract Regulations 2015 guidance regarding award of contracts under framework agreements, which can be viewed here.

See our Categories and Frameworks page for more information.

Aseptic Cleanroom Consumables and Laundry Services
Start date:01/02/22
End date:31/01/25
NHS Contact:Pharmacy
Provision of an Appliance Prescription Management Service
Start date:07/11/22
End date:06/11/24
NHS Contact:Pharmacy
Call-off type:Mini Competition and Direct Award
Provision of Medical Gases
Start date:01/12/21
End date:30/11/24
NHS Contact:Pharmacy
Call-off type:Mini Competition and Direct Award
Radiopharmaceuticals and Associated Consumables
Start date:01/10/23
End date:30/09/27
NHS Contact:Pharmacy
Call-off type:Direct Award
Stoma Care Nurse Sponsorship Service
Start date:01/05/23
End date:30/04/25
NHS Contact:Pharmacy