Our members enjoy discounted access to the market leading e-Sourcing platform (Jaggaer's BravoSolution) and we can manage projects on behalf of members.
For highly complex sourcing projects with many participants, our skilled staff manage the evaluation stage in AWARD (by Commerce Decisions) - a sophisticated online evaluation platform that seamlessly integrates with BravoSolution and provides the highest possible levels of compliance and auditability.
We use our own proprietary spend analysis tools, powered by QlikView. These collect, collate, standardise and cleanse monthly Purchase Invoice and Purchase Order data from accross our customer base so that we can deliver powerful insights at all levels from regional and ICS right down to individual trust cost centres and ledger codes.
We work collaboratively with the other regional hubs, and have close ties with central and national bodies, and we strive to ensure a consistent approach to procurement systems and data across the NHS landscape - whilst always representing the real world needs of our members.