This website is run by NHS Commercial Solutions.
This page states our intention that our website is usable and accessible to all users and details some of the measures taken. This website aims to conform to the Guidelines for UK government websites, which support the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, Level AA, to ensure a Web accessibility standard has been achieved and is maintained.
This accessibility statement applies only to the NHS Commercial Solutions website. This policy does not apply to any other site, including:
- Other government departments and agencies
- Any site that is linked from one of our pages
Text size
The text on this website has been styled using a non-fixed value in a style sheet. This means that users can easily change the text size using their browser settings.
Alternative text
All content images on this site are accompanied by a brief alternative text which where appropriate identifies an image or its function. This alternative text (alt-text) is generally only visible when the browser's automatic image loading feature is turned off.
Viewing files
The majority of content on this website is provided in the normal HTML webpage format viewable through any web browser software.
However, there is some content - such as the Newsletters - that is provided in non-HTML webpage format. This is so that we can provide the content in exactly the same style and appearance that is already offered through other channels.
Non-HTML webpage formats used on this site include Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
PDF files can be read using Adobe Reader software, which is available for many different computer systems including Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Palm. Visit the Adobe website to obtain the Adobe Reader software.
Downloading and saving files
Most files will automatically download to your computer if you click on the link to that file. Depending on your browser settings, you may be asked where you would like to save the document, or it may open automatically within the current browser window.
If you would prefer to take greater control over the downloading and saving of a document, then you can also right-click (in Windows) or control-click (on a Macintosh) on the link to the document and select the option entitled 'Save Target As', 'Save Link As' or 'Save Linked File As' (depending on your type of browser). The normal save dialogue box will appear and you can choose where to store the document on your local computer.
Using the search function
The search function appears in the header of every page of the website. Simply typing in the word or words that you are looking for and pressing the 'Search' button will return all pages that contain any of the words.
For example, searching for the words ‘procurement’ and 'hub’ would return all pages where procurement appears, all pages where hub occurs and all pages where both words occur.
If you are looking for a particular phrase, rather than all pages where all the words appear somewhere on the page, then surround the phrase with quote marks: "press release" returns pages with that specific phrase but omits pages where the words appear but not together.
You can also ask for pages that do not have a specific word: 'press and -release' omits all pages where the word release occurs.
If you experience any problems with our website or any of its links, please contact