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Radiopharmaceuticals and Associated Consumables

Call-off type:Direct Award
Start date:01/10/23
End date:30/09/27
Initial period:4
Extensions remaining:N/A

The framework will provide a one-stop solution to assist trusts with:

• Nuclear medicine therapy
• Nuclear medicine diagnostic non-imaging
• Nuclear medicine diagnostic imaging

Radiopharmaceuticals are a group of pharmaceutical drugs which have radioactivity. Radiopharmaceuticals are used as both diagnostic and therapeutic agents. Radiopharmaceuticals emit radiation themselves, which is different from contrast media which absorb or alter external electromagnetism or ultrasound.

Products included cover:

• Generators
• Cold Kits
• Dry Kits
• Therapy Capsules
• Ready to use Radiopharmaceuticals
• Generator accessories, secondary shielding, elution tools, saline, vials

Given the issues surrounding the limited market, escalating costs and the availability of molybdenum from low enriched uranium resources, NOE CPC are confident this framework will give trusts every confidence they need to be able to fulfil the requirements of any nuclear medicine department.

•All isotopes and kits used for the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals are licensed for use in the UK as defined in the Medicines Act 1968
•All products comply with the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC
•Suppliers able to supply validated evidence of cold chain
•Assurance of supplies from quality assured suppliers
•Suppliers who are complaint with the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and the Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009
•Savings against standard list prices on a huge selection of products.

Sustainable Procurement is ‘a process whereby organisations meet their needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment’.
NOE CPC are committed to minimise the economic and environmental impact associated with our framework agreements; whilst enhancing ethical and social impacts of our procurement activities and processes.
NOE CPC are applying the The Social Value Model within all our procurement projects; in order for our customers to realise the financial and environmental benefits of procuring more sustainable products and services when calling off under our framework agreements.

The following factors were considered in this procurement exercise:

• Fighting climate Change:

All suppliers were required to provide details of how, through the delivery of the framework, they planned to reduce carbon emissions, both within their supply chain and embedded carbon within products.
Suppliers provided details of proposed activity for delivery of additional environmental benefits in the performance of the contract including working towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions, details on commitments to reduce the carbon emissions associated with the delivery of products to trusts, details on commitments made to reduce the carbon emissions associated with on-site customer support and they were requested to indicate if possible how much emissions, represented in CO2e, would be saved through each initiative proposed per annum vs. current activity.

• Social Value – Tackling Economic Inequality:

All suppliers were requested to detail how, through the delivery of the contract specifically, they would try and create bespoke opportunities for training and development for those working on Radiopharmaceuticals within their organisation; such as a recognition of what skills or training would be beneficial to the staff delivering the contract, and details on what proposed training and development would be introduced.

• Social Value – Wellbeing:

Suppliers were required to describe how they have embedded effective measures with respect to health and wellbeing, including physical and mental health, in the contract workforce. This included detailing the arrangements for measuring the physical and mental health and wellbeing of the contract workforce, their action towards supporting health and wellbeing, including physical and mental health, in the contract workforce and details as to how these were to be measured and reviewed for ongoing effectiveness.

Lot 1 - Generators
Lot 2 - Agents
Lot 3 - Ready made Radiopharmaceuticals

Curium Pharma UK Ltd

GE Healthcare Pharmaceutical Diagnostics

Xiel Limited

NHS PiP: This is an NHS Procurement in Partnership (PiP) partner hub framework agreement delivered by NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC) and available to our member organisations via NHS Commercial Solutions. This agreement is available to non-NHSCS member organisations via NOE CPC.

Please click on the links below to access detailed information about this framework. Members can access the full set of framework documents by logging in.
If you are not a member, and would like to know more, please complete the 'Interested in using this Framework' form at the bottom of the page and we will contact you as soon as we can.

User Guide (members only)
Curium Pricing Schedule (1) (members only)
GE Pricing Schedule (members only)
Order call off (members only)
Schedule A Tender Specification (members only)
Suppliers by Lot (1) (members only)
Xiel Pricing Schedule (members only)

Interested in using this Framework?