Health and Social Care Apps DPS

Call-off type:Mini Competition
Start date:29/11/19
End date:29/11/24
Initial period:2
Extensions remaining:N/A

The Health & Social Care Apps DPS provides the public sector in the United Kingdom with a compliant route to market for the procurement of condition-specific applications.

The NHS LPP Health and Social Care Apps DPS provides the public sector with a way to compliantly procure condition-specific apps, meeting health and social care needs. This supports both patients and clinicians, alongside non-clinical staff.

The adoption of apps has already been proven to:

  • Reduce GP visits
  • Prevent costly trips to A&E
  • Lower usage of prescription drugs
  • Help close the population health inequalities
  • Deliver both direct and indirect savings and benefits.  

The DPS currently offers condition specific apps for:

Category 1: Child health;
Category 2: Diabetes and hormones;
Category 3: Heart/blood vessels;
Category 4: Mental health;
Category 5: Pregnancy;
Category 6: Brain/nerves;*
Category 7: Cancer;*
Category 8: Healthy living;*
Category 9: Joints/bone/muscle;*
Category 10: Medicines and clinical reference*
Category 11: COVID-19 Solutions
Category 12: Chest and Lung

To view a full list of suppliers awarded under each sub-category of the DPS please visit here.

NHS PiP: This is an NHS Procurement in Partnership (PiP) partner hub framework agreement delivered by NHS London Procurement Partnership (LPP) and available to our member organisations via NHS Commercial Solutions. This agreement is available to non-NHSCS member organisations via LPP.


Category Team

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