NHS England Clinical Waste Strategy, revised HTM 07-01 and Waste Management Tool
On 7th March 2023, NHS England published the NHS clinical waste strategy which sets out NHS England’s ambition to transform the management of clinical waste by eliminating unnecessary waste, finding innovative ways to reuse, and ensuring waste is processed in the most cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable way.
Alongside the clinical waste strategy, NHS England has published two other documents to assist in meeting the strategy’s aims:
• The Revised Healthcare Technical Manual (HTM) 07-01, provides technical guidance and best practice for the safe management of healthcare waste and to ensure waste is segregated appropriately.
• A tool to support trusts with their waste management decisions, improve waste segregation, and help to reduce waste-related carbon emissions.
All three documents can be accessed here.
Members of the NHS Procurement in Partnership (NHS PiP) Estates Group, which is a collaboration of four NHS procurement organisations comprising of NHS Commercial Solutions, East of England Collaborative Procurement Hub, NHS London Procurement Partnership, and NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative, are in regular dialogue with NHSE regarding the role we can play to support the members of each organisation, the wider NHS, and NHS England with their ambitions to transform the management of clinical waste.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact NHSCS.estates@nhs.net