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NHS Commercial Solutions is first NHS procurement collaborative to affiliate with Electronics Watch


NHS Commercial Solutions is delighted to announce that it has affiliated to Electronics Watch, as part of our continuing commitment to take positive action against modern slavery in supply chains. We have extended this affiliation to our core members, as an additional benefit of NHSCS membership, becoming the first NHS Procurement collaborative to affiliate.

NHS Commercial Solutions is committed to responsible procurement, looking at environmental sustainability, ethical sourcing, and social value principles.

Penny Green, NHS Commercial Solutions Procurement Director, said "The electronics industry is a key focus area for us as it is a high-risk sector for modern slavery and poor working conditions. By partnering with Electronics Watch, our members can work towards ensuring their electronics products are sourced in an ethical and sustainable manner, and towards eliminating modern slavery and human trafficking across the global supply chain. Our members spend approximately £30 million a year on sourcing electronics items, such as computers, phones, and printers and whilst we already have measures in place to meet the recent Policy Procurement Note 02/23 requirements on Modern Slavery, our affiliation with Electronics Watch will help elevate our ethical Procurement approach to the next level. It will ensure transparency in the global supply chain and support our members commitment to of a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. "

Karen Amber NHS Commercial Solutions Sustainability and Social Value Manager said “I’m excited to be working with Electronics Watch to identify instances of modern slavery found in our supply chains, and to take tangible action in addressing these issues. This is so important to us for ensuring that not only are we purchasing high quality goods and services for the NHS, but we are also prioritising Sustainability and Social Value to ensure our NHS is able to tackle health across all levels. When we think about the NHS and its services, we need to consider the Global System we are part of. It is equally important that we take action to tackle the health and wellbeing of all those that we interact with within that Global System and not trade off their health and wellbeing for ours. This must consider everyone, including but not limited to those mining the materials required to manufacture the products we use, those working in factories to process and manufacture the goods, and those working with agencies to deliver services. “

Björn Claeson Electronics Watch Executive Director said "This affiliation marks a crucial milestone as the first NHS procurement collaborative to join Electronics Watch. We are excited to join forces, as NHSCS takes a pioneering role in championing responsible public procurement within the health sector."

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